The Magical Power of Herbs

For centuries, civilizations have relied on the power of herbs. Each herb has its own unique benefits and properties. These natural remedies have been passed down for generations, being used for both physical and spiritual energy purposes. They have been used in cooking, bathing, healing, meditation, spells, and more.

We are now featuring a variety of North Moon Herbal products in store. These products, ranging from cooking spices to incense herbs, each have their own spiritual properties. Here are a few you can find in store now!


Rose is a calming herb that is said to calm the nervous system and boost self love. Used in many popular skincare products today, this relaxing flower can be used in incense, bath water, or distilled into rose water. If you’re looking to attract love, this is an excellent herb for setting those intentions.



Rosemary is a popular all-purpose herb. Most commonly used for protection, Rosemary is a great herb to use when cleaning the energy within your space. It can also promote healing and personal power.


Calendula is a wonderful healing herb. Ancient Egyptians used Calendula to promote radiant skin. In Ancient and Modern India, it is used during weddings and other important ceremonies. Overall, it is a great herb for removing negativity, setting intentions and bringing positivity energy into your life.


Each herb has special properties that will serve you. You can choose your herbs based off your specific needs or simply go to what you gravitate. Either way, these special products are sure to bring some magic into your life!


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