Celebrate with the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra, represented as the color green, is located in its namesake - the heart! Balancing this chakra is all about self-love, empathy, and compassion. When properly aligned, the heart chakra will provide a life full of love. Here are a few of our favorites!


Malachite is a green copper carbonate mineral. It’s historically been used as a protective stone for its strong metaphysical benefits. This positive stone is known to flush toxins and provide confidence to those who claim it. Malachite is also perfect for transitional times, as it is a great supporter of change.


Fluorite comes in a variety of colors with different metaphysical properties. The green fluorite, however, is perfect for balancing the heart chakra. It’s an excellent stone for supporting heart-related woes, heartbreak, and times of grief. Fluorite is sure to provide strength in these challenging times.

Chrome Diopside

Feeling aggressions or frustration in your life? Chrome diopside is the crystal for you. This stone alleviates anger while enhancing love as a result. It is also known to boost creativity and encouraging learning. This positive piece is sure to bring good energy into your life!


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